Queensland Police Launch Online Background Checks for Concealable Firearms
The Queensland Police posted an announcement on February 10, 2019 regarding their online background checks for firearm licence renewal applications. They will however still be available for phone enquiries on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 9am and 4pm. Call them on 07 3015 7777 if this is your preference. In case you wondered, they keep their Wednesdays clear for “actioning of our clients’ requests to enhance customer service”.
General Information from Police Regarding their Background Checks
Holding a current licence is no guarantee of a renewal. The regulations state, “In determining an application for a licence including a renewal an authorised officer may consider anything at the officer’s disposal. They must consider the information the applicant provides, but also the applicable legislation and the relevant case law decisions.”
Applicants may lodge online renewal requests 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the necessary information the police require for their background checks. The final deadline is one day before the expiry date. Current licence cards remain valid for 42 days after such application, and firearms may be retained during this period for legal use.
The Queensland Police have also extended their online system to include individual and business licence applications. This new functionality eliminates the need to submit hard copy documents, and is part of an ongoing program to improve the quality of their service.
As a courtesy, and no doubt also to avoid bottlenecks in police background checks officials will also be emailing / posting renewal packs three months before the expiry of these firearm licences. The packs will include an Online Reference Number that applicants must enter when applying online for background checks, and the subsequent issue of their renewed firearm licences.
Online Applications Not Valid Without Scanned Documents
The police are unable to consider background checks without scanned documents and licence photographs. Applicant unable or unwilling to provide them will have to apply in person at their local police station.
The new online forms have interactive functionality. They can hence be completed on a computing device provided it has enabled Java Script. They can also be saved for future reference. When complete, they can be submitted over the internet, or printed and handed in at the local police station.
This information comes to you courtesy of QLD Covert Investigations with more information available on our background checks page. We are here for you whenever you need confidential assistance or advice., call us on 1300 553 788 for friendly service.