Is your Privacy being invaded? Licensed, Experienced Security Advisers to help fast! Have piece of mind.
Our Business and Home Bug Sweeping services will provide peace of mind, day and night, with state-of-the-art equipment used by our highly trained and licensed Private Investigators and Security Risk Advisers.

Qld Covert Investigations employs a team of National specialist Bug Sweepers / TSCM (Tactical Security Counter Measures) and licensed security advisers equipped with the latest security monitoring and listening device equipment. The Bug Sweeping equipment is used visually and electronically to check for bugs in houses, motor vehicles, buildings, workshops, offices, network cables, telephone equipment including mobile phones, modems and computers. The technology used by our licensed Private Investigators, Security Advisers & (TSCM) Bug Sweeping specialists is second-to-none in Australia and is upgraded regularly with ongoing training and updates.
The insider threat is one of the greatest risks Australian businesses face. By that we don’t necessarily just mean factory and office staff. These days it’s more likely to be an illegal GPS vehicle tracker, video camera or listening device concealed in your car, your office or even your own house.
How We Operate
Bugs are placed for two reasons. The first is to establish long-term surveillance to collect data over time. The second is to record information about specific events such as meetings, payroll runs, personal and sensitive information.
Our tactical security monitoring and Bug Sweeping visits are timed with both events in mind. We recommend regular Bug Sweeps in proportion to known risks, plus special interventions in recognition of specific events that are of particular concern to you.
Quick Enquiry
Our trained investigators are ready to assist
What to Do Next
Effective security relies on being ahead of threats and being prepared for them. If you have a worrying feeling that you’re being bugged, please contact us urgently for a preliminary discussion.
Depending on the threat level and the environment, there are a number of devices that are required to detect certain listening devices in corporate offices. As this is a highly technical field, all our operatives are experienced and have the knowledge on the types of devices and how they are installed.
We would begin by:
Home and Business Bug Sweeping Equipment
Generically, we use a range of bug-sweeping equipment, but not limited to the following:
- Microwave spectrum analyser.
- Broadband search receiver.
- Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR).
- REI Orion 2.4 Nonlinear Junction Detector (NLJD).
- Lornet Non Linear Junction Detector (Multiple)
- Kestrel Profesional TSCM software
- Signalhound Receivers (various)
- Telephone analyser oscilloscope.
- Digital volt/ohmmeter.
- Thermal imaging cameras.
- REI Oscor Green.
- REI Andre.
- REI Talan Telephone and Line Analyzer.
- Acoustic Leakage detector
- Wifi Explorer.
- Manta Ray cell detector.
- Wolf Hound Directions locator.
- Oscor 5000
- Various other specialised Business and Home bug sweeping and TSCM devices.
Electronic Bug Sweeping Services
- Risk Analysis & Management
- Security Safety Audits
- Penetration Testing
- Hidden Camera (CCTV) Detection and Removal
- Listening Device Detection and Removal
- Listening Device Monitoring Services
- GPS Tracking Detection and Removal
Contact Us
If you feel your house, office, boardroom, bedroom, car, boat, landline telephone, computer, tablet or mobile phone may be bugged, being tracked or compromised. We suggest you call the Bug Sweeping / TSCM sweep specialists from another phone and away from the concerned area or via a pay phone on 1300 553 788 or 0401 553 551 and/or use a new email address on a different computer and email us gm@qldcovertpi.com.au
Business and Home Bug Sweeps Australia wide 7 days a week, private and corporate.
Qld Covert Investigations respects your privacy and everything discussed will be strictly private and confidential.

Contact Us
If you feel your house, office, boardroom, bedroom, car, boat, landline telephone, computer, tablet or mobile phone may be bugged, being tracked or compromised. We suggest you call the Bug Sweeping / TSCM sweep specialists from another phone and away from the concerned area or via a pay phone on 1300 553 788 or 0401 553 551 and/or use a new email address on a different computer and email us gm@qldcovertpi.com.au.au
Business and Home Bug Sweeps Australia wide 7 days a week, private and corporate.
Qld Covert Investigations respects your privacy and everything discussed will be strictly private and confidential.