Find out the truth, obtain the evidence in a lawful manner that can be used as evidence in Court
Do you need help with a WorkCover insurance investigation matter?
Do you suspect that an employee may be receiving WorkCover benefits and taking money dishonestly? Do you want to reduce the excess or claim?
Qld Covert Investigations can assist you in investigating WorkCover claims by providing a discreet and professional WorkCover investigation. Fraud is a criminal offence. If you suspect fraudulent activity, it is important to engage a qualified and licensed Private Investigator to assist in proving your suspicions.
Below are some WorkCover / Workers’ Compensation fraudulent offences examples for which we could help in providing evidence for Court proceedings or claims management:
- A worker modifies or alters his/her medical certificates to obtain Workers' Compensation.
- A worker claims for an injury that never occurred and identified as Workers' Compensation fraud.
- A worker provides false information in relation to a Workers' Compensation claim.
- A worker is claiming WorkCover and is, in fact, working elsewhere in a similar field and earning income.
- A worker claims they are incapable of 'said' work and, in fact, is able to perform the same activities outside of work hours.
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Our trained investigators are ready to assist
There are many variations and situations in relation to WorkCover claims. The worker must be investigated to prove any allegations beyond a reasonable doubt.
Qld Covert Investigations has a team of experienced and qualified Private Investigators that provides a professional Workers’ Compensation surveillance service, quality reports with contemporaneous field notes and high definition video footage with date and time stamps. Evidence gathered from surveillance can significantly impact on your ability to settle on a WorkCover claim/s and potentially save you thousands of dollars.
We are aware of the various acts, policies and guidelines that apply in this area and abide by them at all times. These include, but not limited to, the WorkCover Privacy Policy, Australian Privacy Principles, the Invasion of Privacy Act of 1971, the Commonwealth of Australia Covert Surveillance Guidelines, WorkCover Queensland Act 1996, Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 and the WorkCover Queensland Act 1996.