The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act of 1981 places several legal obligations on the shoulders of employers. We thought it would be useful to list the main work cover duties briefly, while considering how to manage the risk of employee fraud. Read more here
A Brief Summary of the Employer’s Position under Work Cover
- Employers have a duty to arrange workers compensation insurance. This work cover must extend to working directors, family members, contractors, and subcontractors too. When persons thus insured abuse the system, your claims record could result in a higher premium.
- There is an obligation on employers to report work accidents and reportable diseases. They also have a duty to provide first aid and ensure the affected person sees a medical practitioner of their choice. Once again, if workers fake these events this creates the impression of an unsafe workplace possibly leading to time-consuming government inspections. The cost of non-compliance with statutory work cover can be high
- While an employee is recovering under these work cover rules, their employee has a duty to keep their position open. They must also set up a return to work program, under which a worker with diminished capacity receives the necessary support. Some fraudulent medical practitioners write false reports keeping a worker on light duty unnecessarily.
The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act of 1981 gives them full rights to lodge a dispute under work cover rules with the Workers’ Compensation Conciliation or Arbitration Service. While your insurer may be able to represent you, it obviously makes sense to protect your reputation.
Depending on the seriousness of the complaint, you may need to get to bottom of it and determine the facts. It does not make financial sense to ask an attorney to represent you when you do not have a case. Conversely, if you are innocent you should do something to maintain workplace discipline.
How a Dedicated Private Detective Helps You Find the Truth
There is an unspoken conspiracy of silence in most companies. Employees stand together when they perceive their colleague is receiving unfair management attention. Therefore, an ‘official’ workplace enquiry is unlikely to get you where you need to be. You need an undercover agent to infiltrate your employee networks.
QLD Covert Investigations has work cover detectives who are specialists in their field. They are adept at cracking work place fraud. Their success has potential to save employers significant time and money. If you find yourself in work care difficulties, call 1300 553 788 now. More information and enquiry form on the following link
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