The world around us constantly bombards our mind and senses with new information. Every morning delivers its own portion of emails. Our diary pages are overflowing. We seldom have time to do anything to the depth we wish. We drift along on the surface of things hoping everything will work out right. We have no time for factual investigations. We assume all will go well.
Four Situations Where Factual Investigations Play a Role
Personal relationships are a good example. When we fall in love, we do not check the other person’s background. How could anyone so incredibly wonderful have a bad bone in his or her body? We drop our guard and it remains lowered until something causes us to wonder. Were they ever, are they still being true to us? There is only one way out and that is to get the facts. We feel dirty even thinking about it. We do nothing.
Business partners are another good case in point. Deals often close impulsively without thinking things through. Sure, we sign a heads of agreement. Of course, we promise to catch up on the paperwork later. In reality, we seldom if ever see our partner’s curriculum vitae or hear their life story. It is never too late to catch up on the paperwork. It is always the right time to know the truth. But how do we begin factual investigations when we really don’t want bad news.
Hiring staff is almost a no brainer on paper. Yet it is surprising how often we investigate employee fraud by serial offenders with blots on their copybooks, and even criminal records. The will is there, but we are simply too busy to take precious time out to phone around. We have a feel good factor and we have had no problems before. How much do you know about your people in critical positions? How much damage could they cause?
As you read this, you could be considering a credit application by a potentially lucrative client. You have been on a cash basis until now, but your turnover with them could really shoot up if you allow them thirty days as cash. You are not the only supplier they are considering. What should you do now?
Why Not Commission a Factual Investigation Now
You should get in touch with QLD Covert Investigations and speak to one of our factual investigations specialists. When you get down to the basics, your decisions become informed. When it is time to get the facts, it is time to call 1300 553 788 now.