Mobile phone and computer forensics - Qldcovertpi
Mobile phone and computer forensics

Overview of Our Mobile Phone and Computer Forensics Investigations

Mobile phone and computer forensics is a relatively new branch of private detective work. It began with internet connectivity and private networks, but really took off when criminals discovered how convenient smartphones were for undercover communication

However, those crooks were wrong if they thought their cover was perfect. Global satellite positioning enabled law enforcement to track their movement, while back in laboratories their colleagues learned to resolve passwords. Unfortunately this knowledge has entered the public domain, and we are now under constant threat of cyber-attacks.

How Private Detectives Use Mobile Phone and Computer Forensics

Our team of mobile phone and computer forensics specialists access data from desktops, laptops, network servers, tablets, ipads, smartphones, and iphones. This may have been accidentally or deliberately deleted, technically damaged, or criminally tampered with.

We can often access / repair this information, provided the hard drive is in usable condition. We respect the privacy of client data deeply and take every effort to protect their information, and indeed their hardware too.

A Summary of Our Computer Forensic Services

1… Recover emails, documents and data accidentally or deliberately removed from personal digital hardware and network services

2… Research internet activity including website visits, to identify how children and other vulnerable people are spending time on the web

3… Track employee internet activity during working hours to determine whether they are ‘stealing time’ or cyber-endangering their employer

4… Specifically identify downloaded files, and virus check them diligently to make sure they contain no virus or phishing risks

5… Protect employees, children and other vulnerable people from cyber bullying by scanning email traffic for commonly used phrases

6… Search operating software, systems and apps for spyware and keyword loggers that could help cyber criminals copy login details

We deliver these solutions to business owners, managers, employers, partners, and parents as an important niche in our private investigator services. We are fast, discreet and extremely careful to remain within the law.

Ancillary and Related Services Also Available

We offer a comprehensive range of mobile phone and computer forensics analytics. We extract data from sim cards and hard drives, and we download global satellite positioning information.

There’s no need to throw your hands up in desperation when you find your sms and mms messages apparently are gone. Call Qld Covert Investigations on 1300 553 788 or send us an email any time you like. There’s a strong chance we can get it back.  Click here for more information on Mobile Forensics

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