Five Ways to Find Missing Persons in Australia - Qldcovertpi
Five Ways to Find Missing Persons in Australia

Confronting a missing person situation is never easy. We have helped hundreds of Australian families reunite, and share your trauma if you are personally affected. In the process we have helped reunite children with their mums, elderly relatives with their sons and daughters, confused teenagers with their parents and restless spouses with each other. We decide to share a few solutions for you to consider.

  1. The Salvation Army has a family tracing service that helps Australians find missing person close to them. Their website has a list of handy links they suggest you try before you contactthem. Their rules are fairly strict. The project began when they tried to help distressed people who ended intheir shelters broken down. They charge a fee. 

 2  The Australian Federal Police maintain a website where relatives can post a picture of a person they lost
      contact with, and some details of when last seen. There is no charge for this. Unfortunately few
      Australians even know the service exists. If you are in contact with someone who is disorientated you can
      scan through the possibilities the police know of. The facility has had some noteworthy successes.

 3  A number of philanthropic citizens have launched initiatives like the Australia Missing Persons Register
     that has been online for nine years. QLD Covert Investigations applauds these efforts. We visit them
     regularly and have harvested useful information from them. The only cautionary we offer is that the
     postings may not be moderated.

 4  The Australian Red Cross offers a tracing service. Although they restrict this to close family members
     separated by war, natural disaster or immigration policies, they do make compassionate exceptions from
     time to time. If this does not apply to you please do not try to circumvent these rules. They are chronically
     short of funds and need to stick to their mission.

 5  QLD Covert Investigations whose website you landed on is a well-respected private detective firm with
     eleven years’ experience and an impressive record of success tracing missing persons. This forms part of
     a broader service that includes a wide range of investigative roles. These overlap surprisingly often.
     We find our eclectic skills combine well.

We hold full professional recognition from both the Australian Institute of Private Detectives and the Australian Security Industry Association Limited. This forms part of our broader policy of working within a legal, reasonable, tactical and unobtrusive style that never compromises clients’ or third party rights. This may be why you have not heard of us previously.

Please call 1300 553 788 or email us to arrange an exploratory tele-conference, during which we will assess whether or not we can help you. When QLD Covert Investigations accepts a retainer payment for professional fees, we do so in reasonable expectation that we will succeed in finding your missing person.

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