Do You Really Need a Home Bug Sweep Service? - Qldcovertpi
Do You Really Need a Home Bug Sweep Service?

Australia has become accustomed to hearing stories of businesses spying on each other, grabbing contracts and staying up to speed with their technology. But we often forget those criminals also plant bugs in key employees’ homes, where security is lax and access is easier to obtain. A professional home bug sweep is the surest way to know if this affects a key member of your team.

Beware Next Time a Persuasive Stranger Comes to Town

If you have a key employee who shares company secrets, then perhaps it is time to alert them to a new reality. The email and phone systems are alive with special offers, and free marketing calls. It’s not difficult to monitor a person on social media and pick up details of what they are shopping for.

And then just happen to call them with an irresistible offer they simply cannot refuse. But naturally the deal needs to be closed in their home after hours, when they have time to spare and their guard is down. Countless thousands of powerful bugs import into Australia every year. Did you know they just need a few seconds to plant and activate?

A Home Bug Sweep Is a Powerful Way to Stop Blackmail

Many Australians have private lives they prefer not to share with colleagues, friends, and the broader public beyond. A skilled blackmailer plants speculative bugs in private homes of prominent people, just to see what they can find. Those criminals also offer their services to questionable companies looking for levers to extract competitor information.

Any key member of a business team is a natural target for this practice, especially if they hold key strategic information concerning your strategy and customer base. They know how to clip a home sweep bug securely in position when attention is elsewhere. They need never return because the bot will take care of everything after that.

Speak to QLD Covert Investigation for Advice

If you suspect your organization is open to surveillance, perhaps it is time to increase your precautions. We employ top bug sweep specialists and provide cutting edge equipment at QLD Covert Investigations.

We have a seamless reputation for providing fast results. If there is a bug in your employee’s home, then surely we should find it, and disable it right away. Call us at 0401 553 551. We are active throughout Australia and you can email us now.

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