How Private Are You Really? Electronic Bug Sweeping Update - Qldcovertpi
How Private Are You Really? Electronic Bug Sweeping Update

The recent hacking into the Sony Pictures database, and America’s technical surveillance counter measure (TSCM) have once again highlighted how vulnerable technology makes us. Hardly a week passes without allegations of high-level government interference. Add persistent phishing attempts and we really seem to be under constant threat of electronic invasion.

As an experiment, we Googled ‘surveillance equipment australia’ and got almost three million results back for the keyword string. The first few results pages were awash with businesses queuing up to sell us computer and mobile phone surveillance bugs. We buy our surveillance and bug sweeping equipment from reputable, approved suppliers. Many of the sites our Google search returned seemed unconcerned about the use of their equipment.

The Size of the Problem

The truth is, nobody really knows. Many Australians purchase security equipment to protect their families and especially their kids. These are cheap copies of military kit developed to repel cyber-attacks from hostile enemies and terrorists. While such tactical security counter measures are legitimate under their remit to protect citizens, the ready availability of cheap Asian clones is another matter. The only thing that stands between you and a business rival or aggrieved spouse could be constant alertness – and comprehensive bugsweeping if you have reason to be suspicious.

When You Need to Take TSCM Counter Measures

Most times you only discover you have a problem when important confidential information falls into the wrong hands. For example, when a phisher raids your bank account using the right password, when a competitor starts targeting your core customers, or when what you thought were confidential photographs appear in the media and start going viral. When this happens you need to implement electronic bug sweeping quickly. If not you could be in serious trouble.

How QLD Covert Investigations Helps

Qld Covert Investigations provides an advanced advice service backed up by latest surveillance and debugging equipment. We provide this to corporate clients, government departments, small and medium enterprises and individuals in their private capacity. If you require assistance with any of the following we urge you to contact us as soon as you can.

* An immediate threat to intellectual or physical property

* A need to roll our more sophisticated security systems

* A nagging sense that it could be time for bug sweeping

 * A possibility that you face a threat within your organisation

Our private investigations office is on standby at 1300 553 788 or via email at to assist with your TSCM requirements around the clock. We are ready to receive your call now and help you have peace of mind.

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