Our business bureau people have been working around the clock since the COVID-19 epidemic reached Australia. The situation is still fluid with people sheltering, falling ill, and some even dying. Much knowledge is suspended. Reference and background checks are becoming more difficult. Criminals are taking advantage but our business and company searches find them out.
Breaking the COVID Silence with Business and Company Searches
It’s almost the perfect defence. When you are chasing a debtor but their partner says ‘I’m sorry, they are isolation with the virus’ what can you do? Loading fictitious references on a CV became easier too.
The word ‘deceased’ followed by a date during the pandemic is a marvellous foil to a thorough reference background check. Most business people could find a work around if they had the time, but they seldom do.
Our Background Check Specialists Are on Standby to Help
We are doing dozens of business and company searches every week. Perhaps you have a court order in your hands that could help you recover crippling debt but you can’t find the person that defrauded you because they have gone to ground.
Maybe you have a partner or employee that skipped town with your copyright private information and opened in competition on the internet. The police say that can’t find them behind the ‘COVID-19’ curtain.
You don’t have to give up on recovering what is rightfully yours. QLD Covert Investigations has been in business for over a decade and employs only the very best private investigators If you need to track a business contact down then we are the people to do it.
Avoid These Problems Recurring with Our Background Check Service
You could avoid bad debts, rotten employees, and business fraud by doing background checks on people before you engage with them meaningfully. Our rates could be notably lower than you might expect because we do our business and company searches 90% online. There’s a vast amount of meaningful data available to us on line. We crack our cases on high speed computers with artificial intelligence able to crunch big data incredibly quickly.
Explore What We Could Do for You with a Free Tele Conversation
Would you like to explore what Qld Covert Investigations could do for you, and your business in more detail? If you’d like to call 1300 553 788 Australia wide and we’ll review your situation without obligation. Then we’ll tell you honestly how we can help. We could get started right away to give you peace of mind.