Are Infidelity Investigations a Good Thing? - QLD Covert PI
Are Infidelity Investigations a Good Thing?

We’re quite often asked this question by new clients when they come into the office, sit down and unpack their worries. A marriage that once meant everything to them has degenerated into rancour and deep suspicion, and someone – their legal adviser or a close friend perhaps – has suggested they ask us to bottom out on what is going on. Sometimes they are so battle-weary they can’t stand the thought of going through the stress of infidelity investigations at all.

This is a good opportunity to reiterate QLD Covert Investigations’ general policy about taking on assignments. In the first instance, we only accept commissions if we genuinely believe that we can add value to a situation, and deserve our fee by producing sold results. We’re not saying this always happens, just making the point that it is our intention to be of service.

Infidelity investigations usually start on the back of deep suspicion. If there is more than this – solid evidence perhaps – then we may not be needed and in that case we will say so. We operate in the grey area between trust and mistrust. This is not healthy for our clients because it may slowly tear them apart. We see our job as clearing away uncertainty so they can get on with their lives.

In the majority of cases our infidelity investigations find evidence of unfaithfulness, or at least confirmation that the complainant’s suspicions are well-founded. This is the end of the matter for us unless we give evidence at a hearing. However in some instances our enquiries into unfaithfulness have ended up without uncovering anything new.

This brings us to the second pillar of our policy regarding accepting cases. We don’t get emotional about things and we don’t get personally involved. Our job is to establish facts impartially. These are not always what our clients anticipate, although they often are.

To get back to the question of whether infidelity investigations are a good thing, we think ‘good’ is not the right word because unfaithfulness can never be that, surely. So we would rather describe them as ‘necessary’ where there are sufficient reasons to ground them in, if for no other reason than that unresolved suspicion is a destructive force.

If you find yourself in a situation like this and are determined to bottom out on what is happening in your relationship then call QLD Covert Investigations on 1300 553 788 in utmost confidence, in order to establish whether an infidelity investigation might help.

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