Our TSCM Investigator Assesses Dangers of Recycling Smartphones
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Our TSCM Investigator Assesses the Dangers of Recycling Smartphones

Our TSCM investigator suggests your next step is to delete the data permanently from your phone, and retrieve all sim cards from the device. If you have been using the phone correctly, then you should be safe when recycling smartphones.

When cell phones were Nokia ’bricks’, we had few worries about cyber security after we lost them. Modern smartphones are a different kettle of fish completely, because they contain personal information at least as sensitive as that on our laptops. Cell phone service providers are keen to persuade us to upgrade during a contract, because by recycling smartphones they can resell the old phones on Amazon or eBay. Our TSCM investigator warns they could be selling our personal information too.

It can happen that we wander into a cell phone store out of idle curiosity, and agree a smartphone exchange on impulse. We are so obsessed with checking all our data copies across to the new device, that we forget that the same data remains behind on the old phone. This means a cyber hacker could purchase it as ‘used, but in good order’, on a gamble they may find personal information to manipulate.

The Personal Information We Share According to Our TSCM Investigator
Our passwords, bank details, contact information, confidential selfies, and more travel with our old phone wherever it goes if the cell phone store fails to delete the data permanently. Bullguard believes 54% of second-hand devices contain personal data. This is a walk in the park to unpick, after the dealer removed the pin with our permission.

How to Protect Our Interests When Recycling Smartphones
Avoid making a recycling decision on an impulse. Return home, and decide whether this is something that you really want to do. If affirmative, back the data up to a computer via a USB connection. Your backup checklist must include at least all contact information, plus as applicable / necessary photos, documents, text messages, and appointments.

Our TSCM investigator suggests your next step is to delete the data permanently from your phone, and retrieve all sim and memory cards from the device. If you have been using the phone correctly, then you should be safe when recycling smartphones. If in any doubt at all, obtain advice before you do.

Get Competent Smartphone Advice from Qld Covert Investigations

If you believe in recycling smartphones to achieve upgrades on contracts, then you should be very careful how you go about this, depending on your status in society, and how you use your phone. We have a TSCM investigator on standby to assist when necessary. Contact Qld Covert Investigations for further advice, or call 1300 553 788 now.

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