Bug Sweeping for Mobile Devices After Using WI-FI | QCI
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Bug Sweeping Brisbane Mobile Devices After Using WI-FI

Our agents have stopped using public Wi-Fi unless it belongs to a trusted source that controls access with powerful passwords. Many Australians keep tapping away happily in restaurants, coffee shops, transport terminals, and public buildings. They are unaware of the serious security risks attached to this. We have computer forensics experts specialised in bug sweeping Brisbane mobile and computer devices on hand to tackle the consequences. [ Visit: www.auscovertinvestigations.com.au/bug-sweeping  ]

How Anti-Virus Software May Not Protect Us Completely

Most Australians diligently update protection software on their desktops. However, many are surprisingly lax about anti-virus and windows upgrades on their mobile devices. The reasons are understandable. Updates grab bandwidth, drain batteries, and slow down performance. They have also become expensive given the number of devices we own nowadays.

Hence many of us are only semi-protected when using these devices. This is less of a problem when we link directly to a trusted internet service provider. However, when we link via an open third-party network we have no such assurance. Hence, if anything unusual happens while we are doing so, we should consider consulting a computer forensic technician skilled in bug sweeping Brisbane mobile devices.

What Bug Sweeping Brisbane Mobile Devices Detects

There are two types of malicious WI-FI networks. Some genuinely helpful ones may be infected via a third-party device, or a deliberate hack. These bugs may migrate to any other connected device, including your own. Then there are also ‘honeypot’ services that hijack a log-in page, and replace it with a phishing version capable of copying user names, passwords, and other personal information. We look for these implanted malicious codes when bug sweeping Brisbane mobile devices.

Some Counter Measures You Can Take Yourself

Never store unprotected information on a laptop, tablet, or smart phone. Only use a trusted WI-FI service, and log on to your device before connecting. Never connect to a financial or other critical service provider over a shared network. Avoid live sports feeds and adult sites where you might carelessly agree to something in your haste to continue.

What To Do If You Think a WI-FI Infected You

Shut down your mobile device immediately. Find another device with a direct connection and an owner you trust. Log on to your financial and other critical service providers and change your passwords. Then call QLD Covert Investigations on 1300 553 788 or  (0401 553 551 after hours). Our private investigators and security advisors are mobile. They could come to you and do a computer forensic audit right away.

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