Insurance Fraud Investigator Brisbane and Gold Coast | QCI
We don't speculate, we investigate. Government licensed Private Investigators.


Highly Trained Investigators available Australia wide

Dependable Insurance Fraud Investigators Across Australia

Do you require a professional and experienced team behind your investigation matters?

Qld Covert Investigations (QCI) is a government licensed Private Investigation Company that provides specialist Insurance fraud Investigation services to Clients throughout Queensland and Australia wide.

QCI assists insurers to reduce unnecessary losses due to: fraudulent claim activity, inflated claim losses, claims being withdrawn and/or produce evidence for prosecution of the individual.

The management of the QCI Group employ top performing licensed Private Investigators who are highly trained and remain totally objective in their investigations.  Qld Covert Investigations has had extensive experience in Insurance claims including:

Quick Enquiry

Our trained investigators are ready to assist


Ethical and Timely Insurance Fraud Investigator

We provide Insurance Investigations in a timely manner and require our Private Insurance fraud Investigators to act professionally and adhere to a specific Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct. Our Company understands that our private investigation team represent your business and brand and we adhere to providing insurers the best possible professional representation and experience.


Enhance Customer Relations: Contact Our Efficient Insurance Fraud Investigator Today

We also remain focused on company performance and are continuously improving our systems and procedures to improve customer relations and communications.

If you require a specialist Insurance fraud investigator to open an Insurance Investigation file, please contact our experienced team today to discuss your matter in confidence on 1300 553 788 or email

Insurance Fraud Investigator